These are tradition. I have been making them for years. Particularly for Halloween neighbors & friends. They call them “Tina Cookies”. Enjoy! Combine together in a mixer until fluffy: 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 cubes softened butter...
Healthy people are aware of their emotions regarding current happenings in their lives. Have you ever been walking along doing just fine and then all of the sudden you get triggered? During what seems to be a rather normal event or conversation, emotions are suddenly...
It’s that time of year again! It’s that time of year again! Being a homeschooling mom for nearly 30 years, Fall has always been my “New Year”. Even though my children are all grown and homeschooling is no longer my world, Summer’s end remains my time to...
We change. And when we change, our friendships change as well. Sometimes it is healthy growth that creates the relationship to shift. New growth in us might mean we are no longer in need of the relationship as it is. As we grow, we learn to stand on our feet a bit...
these two. i have known them forever. we are growing old together. they know me. they know the parts of my story that are beautiful. they know the parts of my story that are not. when my story is beautiful, we dream and laugh and eat good food together. when my story...
What is this work of personal growth? Is it about rejecting parts of ourselves? Is it about forcing ourselves into being something different than we are? Is it about being who others want us to be? Is it about trying to become a different personality? Sometimes we can...