Tina's Words
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The gift of being known and loved…..
these two. i have known them forever. we are growing old together. they know me. they know the parts of my story that are beautiful. they know the parts of my story that are not. when my story is beautiful, we dream and laugh and eat good food together. when my story is filled with pain, they are Comfort. their words are warm and few. they sit with me and listen. they cry. they tell me they love the hell out of me. they hold me tight and don’t let go. they pull me onto the dance floor when my...
The work of personal growth….
What is this work of personal growth? Is it about rejecting parts of ourselves? Is it about forcing ourselves into being something different than we are? Is it about being who others want us to be? Is it about trying to become a different personality? Sometimes we can think it is surely better to be like that person over there….than to be me. From our vantage point, it sometimes looks better. More cool. More fun. Right? But even if we try to morph our core-self, our natural tendencies and...
A story of change….
change is only possible when we engage our narrative of the experiences we have had in life. i grew up saying i would break the chains. i will be different. i will not be impacted by my childhood experiences. my marriage and family and future will not be bound by what i had known as a child. so i walked out. i married and left town. with 3 crockpots and $20 we embarked on our life together. we both abandoned what was behind, thinking it was as easy as that. we left to get the life we wanted....
Do you celebrate?
Do you celebrate? Or do you just keep going? Are you a business owner, entrepreneur, artist, student, barista, or a team leader that is doing all the things it takes to get to the big goals and there are no breaks between for celebration? There is a lost art to celebration. We have forgotten that it is important. It impacts our forward motion. If we don’t celebrate, we are just on the seemingly endless uphill journey of hardness. We see only the goal, and the failures or ‘two steps backwards’...
Where is your EQ?
Hey, Friends! Where is your emotional intelligence? Is your emotional intelligence on the experience side of your brain? Or is it on the bookish side of the brain? Did you know that we can know all the things there are to know about emotional intelligence....and still not have it? We can read all the books. We can listen to all the podcasts. We can be totally bookish and smart about it. We can examine it. Define it. Name all the parts of it. But it is not until we are in the correct...
legacy is about leaving our mark in this world we call home. legacy is about connection. it's about living and being vulnerable and authentically YOU. this idea of legacy has been hovering the edges of my mind. i have always loved reading memoirs. i love movies about real people. i sit and walk and listen to the stories of many in my corner of the world. today a lovely woman from Israel shared a bit of her family's journey with me. another spent her life on a journey that led to owning her own...